Wednesday, November 19, 2008


1670 - Charles Town founded

1680 - Charles Town moved to present location, Oyster Point

1778 - First state constitution, Protestant Christian preference

1786 (March 22) - Columbia created by act of legislature

1789 to 1799- The French Revolution

1789 (August 24) - St. Mary's, first Catholic Church in the Carolinas and Georgia, established in Charleston. Records kept in French until 1822. 

1790 - Second state constitution, disestablishment 

1799 - Napoleon I stages coup d'etat

1801 - Thomas Jefferson elected third President, succeeding John Adams; served until 1809

1803 - The Louisiana Purchase under President Jefferson

1804 - Napoleon crowns himself Emperor of the French

1805 - WR born in SC

1809 - James Madison elected President; served until 1817

1812 - France invades Russia

1826 (July 4) - Thomas Jefferson dies

1826 - Bishop England preaches to the US House of Representatives

1828 - Mills Building of the SC Lunatic Asylum completed

1838 (April 28) - Ansonborough district in Charleston, including St. Mary of the Annunciation Roman Catholic Church, is destroyed by a fire

1861 (April 12) - The Civil War begins

1864 (Oct.) - POW camp on grounds of lunatic asylum 

1865 (Feb.) - POW camp moved from grounds of lunatic asylum

1865 (Feb. 17) - Columbia burns

1865 (Feb. 26) - Skirmish at Lynch's Creek 

1865 (April 9) - The Civil War ends

1865 (May 13) - WR dies, POW

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